Every cell in your body communicates in ways that can help alleviate pain and illness, enhance vitality, and achieve success in every area of your life. Best of all, you can facilitate this discussion yourself.
Through "molecules of emotion," our brain, glands, organs, and immune system are in constant communication, says Dr. Candace Pert in her book, Molecules of Emotion: The Science Behind Mind-Body Medicine.
These molecules are primarily neuropeptides and their receptors on the surface of cells. They consist of proteins and amino acids, Pert says, and they are waiting to pick up biochemical messages carried by other amino acids. This transfer of information occurs in a dynamic network linking all systems and organs of the body.
Pert's research supports concepts from our Genius Code personal learning course and the experiential techniques used to tap the constantly flowing image stream of pictures, words, feelings, sounds, and other sensory impressions within our mind and body.
When you creatively envision or imagine a desired outcome, the inner mind cannot distinguish the visualization from fact. The mind-body secretes the hormones and neuropeptides necessary for you to "experience" the result—achieving your ideal weight, greater confidence in your decision-making, or some lifelong goal.
One of the best ways to wrap your mind and body around your goal or desire is with a technique called "Borrowed Genius" from Genius Code. Here's how:
Determine a goal, skill, or issue for which you want further insight. Let's say you want to improve your exercise habits or excel in a sport. Choose a genius whose successful thinking, behaviour, and skills you want to model. In this case, it might be athlete Tom Brady or tennis star Serena Williams. It could be someone you know personally or a composite of famous and highly skilled individuals.
Get comfortable and relax your breathing. Close your eyes to help block out external noise and disruptions.
Imagine floating into the genius, becoming the genius yourself. Imagine performing the skills yourself, describing aloud in rich sensory detail how the genius experiences this activity. Continue describing until you experience their brilliance and feel the skills flowing strongly within you.
Speaking aloud into an audio recording device or to a partner is important. When you speak aloud about an image in your mind, you are actually crossing the corpus collosum, the separation between the left and right brain hemispheres and building connections to those further resources of mind.
Speak as rapidly as possible. This allows you to outrun the editor function of your brain without passing judgment. Make your descriptions vivid so a listener can feel, see, hear, taste, and smell what you are describing. Use your hands while describing what you image stream. Feel it, touch it, and manipulate what you see. This helps you hold the representation more clearly for yourself.
Express appreciation to your genius as you float out of their body and accept their further insights. Practice this technique for 10 to 20 minutes every day until you feel confident in your new-found skill or habit. You can borrow the genius of another any time you want to communicate with your cells and tap the powerful network of your mind and body.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld from Glo Mobile.
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